Snap pictures wirelessly with your smartphone through a click on the app, volume down button, voice command or by shaking your phone.
automatically geo-tag your photos by recording GPS position data of each picture you take into EXIF information, as you shoot.
capturing subtle changes to scenery or objects over a period of time.
Taking better pictures of landscapes, low-light or backlit scenes with your DSLR much easier.
Controlling up to 10 cameras simultaneously, so by setting up cameras at different angles you never miss the perfect angle for that perfect moment. Great for photographing sports!
No more leaving your camera somewhere and forgetting it behind. You can even track the point where your camera went out of range if it does get lost or stolen.
在知识爆炸的年代,我们不愿成为知识的过客,拥抱开源文化,发挥社区的力量,参与到Amaze Ui开源项目能获得自我提升。
AllMobilize Inc (美通云动科技有限公司) 由前微软美国总部IE浏览器核心研发团队成员及移动互联网行业专家在美国西雅图创立,旨在解决网页在不同移动设备屏幕上的适配问题。基于国际专利技术并结合最前沿的HTML5技术,云适配解决方案可以帮助企业快速将桌面版网站适配到各种移动设备终端的屏幕上,不仅显著地提高了企业网站的用户体验以及销售转化率,而且大幅度地节省了企业开发和维护移动网站的费用。
AllMobilize Inc 获得了微软创投孵化器的支持,其领先科技已得到全球多家企业及机构的认可与信赖,客户包括全球500强企业、美国政府、国内政府机关、国内外上市公司、以及互联网标准化组织W3C。
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